i like what your doing with your writing and as someone also involved in EDM and who works in the field of generative design (code art), i really get your vibe on aesthetics.
this though:
“beauty is experienced when we encounter sensory signals that are extremely rich with patterns that our brains can successfully decode, and there are good evolutionary reasons for it.”
it’s interesting because for me ‘beauty’ has come to mean - yes some ‘thing’ encountered sensorially - but what makes it beautiful is that it connects me to some deeply perfect interface with the sublime. i know from your writing that you also have those hook-ups - so i guess we diverge at the emphasis on ‘decoding’ - because for me there is an undecodable esoteric quality to it that is its hallmark. though agnostically - it took me a minute to register- ‘decode’ def expresses the same idea of making it relatable.
Nice to hear from you! Great to meet people into generative design/code art/EDM - we clearly have plenty overlap in interest here. If you have any generative design to share or recommend I’m always happy to hear recommendations.
There is one clarification I think might be helpful. When I say decode, I do not mean consciously decode. I do not mean that the art becomes verbally or consciously explainable or anything like that. There is certainly plenty of mystery in a good piece of art. Rather I mean that the subconscious brain picks up on a slew of patterns and correlations. But that often still leaves plenty of mystery still, given that patterns can be incomplete, or hard to place into a bigger pattern or conscious meaning-making. I should write something on this
[and after posting my response (my last digital act of the day so kind of word salad-y) i actually went back in to edit but couldn’t]
what i was going to say was its a kind of synesthetic experience - beauty - that also for me at this point is mostly somatic. i have started to impute a kind of authoring intelligence behind the things that really capture and soothe me at the level of the aesthetic - soothe being the operative word here because after a life filled with opportunities to experience art, sexuality, physical mastery (by my self and others) at this stage the word - again, beauty - to be meaningful, calls to what Emerson deemed big N nature - Nature - which could have a corollary in Beauty.
It sounds to me that your Epiphany was holy ghost inspired and timed so to prevent the trap of enslavement I fell into and suffered most of my adult working life, the trap of Religion of Scientism that block most of the real Holy communication, memories of Holy interactions, and Holy warnings with the False god of Rationality and soul crippling Pride.
And I was deeply vulnerable to such an enslavement having loved and studies science in any form I could from 5th grade, and wallowed in computer programming from 7th grade, with my gift of intelligence as a kind of toy I played with while life destroying active lies and lies of silence festered within that I was betrayed with, success-failure endless confusion-frustration-defenseless_blindness that caused what I should have otherwise recognized as myself being targeted by male-hating 3rd wave feminist inspired abuser regardless of never seeing or believing in the deep evil separate from mother devouring, in all the years free for the horrors of her and the blindness that such Hate and warped exposure from crip caused, all the year fee from that and my history of social-educational-employment success with a shameful number of relatively long term sexual relationships, all in two separate States before moving to Witch-filled Vermont near Burlington, around UVM and the center of this realities Evil, ..
.. I was crippled from the betrayal more devouring family-demon controlled mother and so many silently lying women that must have realized my life-crippling falseness I suffered under and would & must destroy an otherwise inspiring Service directed life of a gifted men if left uncorrected - so may that were obligated by professional duty if not basic human virtue that we owe to each other, that was only attempted by 3 women to my memory, and those 3 women in that virtuous standard manhood reaction to Serve and protect all in need as and when possible and prudent, those 3 women in a lifetime long interaction of countless women, only 3! from what was nearly womanhood virtuous Blessing I experience and recall from youth; that remembered womanhood that blessed us all that were close to of passing near enough to interact with, from that to the now Sicken womanhood of many perhaps mostly filled with lying grasping baby-murdering poison-vomit spraying insane vicious vile delusional psychos that we all suffer from, and been targeted by of being and expressing once valued by a sane earlier womanhood but calls to them the demonic Satanic hatred that all expression of basic manhood is, the true, justice, order protecting and seeking, the internal Love of all and duty to Service of others and society through protection and providing.
Those 3, only 3! that blocked me from Justly damning all modern women as repentless machines directed from Hell that only a short time soon will start to shed their human disguises, those shells of humanity they once were, before acceptance of the demons that enslaved them and possessed them, those dead skins that is all that remains of their once human Beatified God Loving beginnings, those will shed their true demonic form that is so clearly now shown in their deeper 'Beings' intentional Satanic insane actions and goals, they that will soon walk the earth openly and the rest of us will accept that that Openly exposed Hell as we accepted greater and deeper insanities - the clear turning point being acceptance and tolerance of baby-killing mothers.
But aside from that .. and lifelong self-loathing and confusion driven suffering, of intelligent coordinated Which-Whisper-web surrounded abuse that turned a dream job I had shaped myself to excel in from joy to Hell by those Love-Trust-Joy murdering women and the rare lost-soul dog-males that drove me towards suicide or dead ending violence as is so common and acceptable here in this GreatSatan soul dead and murdering nation, the school and workplace shooting that is likely Just and would result in a better world for all if understood by most and if the shooter killed only those it Just to kill in defense (not vengeance) of others, and if it were possible to him to kill all those involved and supporting such Satanic Hell-directed evil.
In joyous sharing of your Inspired epiphany and the expanded soul that resulted, your writing has the sensitivity that is the strengths of both sexes which complement so well together when united by Love and Justice to God in each's well-ordered duties, so that it is not clear from the 3 articles of read of your sex. Your Engineering background suggest man and this artistic dimension suggest woman, so I suppose you seem to be a balanced well-ordered ying-yang or as I imagine Adam was before much of his female element was separated to create Eve and to instill in him a deep desire toward Oneness that he once was, and that echos of must have been known to Eve, and the God Willed path we must all suffer to expended greater God pleasantness and Perfection he directs us towards to Love us by expending our ability to See and Love Him.
Thanks to @LaurenCortis for restacking this one. Looking forward to more, thank you!
Pleasure to have you here, JT!
Oh thank you for being here!
i like what your doing with your writing and as someone also involved in EDM and who works in the field of generative design (code art), i really get your vibe on aesthetics.
this though:
“beauty is experienced when we encounter sensory signals that are extremely rich with patterns that our brains can successfully decode, and there are good evolutionary reasons for it.”
it’s interesting because for me ‘beauty’ has come to mean - yes some ‘thing’ encountered sensorially - but what makes it beautiful is that it connects me to some deeply perfect interface with the sublime. i know from your writing that you also have those hook-ups - so i guess we diverge at the emphasis on ‘decoding’ - because for me there is an undecodable esoteric quality to it that is its hallmark. though agnostically - it took me a minute to register- ‘decode’ def expresses the same idea of making it relatable.
Nice to hear from you! Great to meet people into generative design/code art/EDM - we clearly have plenty overlap in interest here. If you have any generative design to share or recommend I’m always happy to hear recommendations.
There is one clarification I think might be helpful. When I say decode, I do not mean consciously decode. I do not mean that the art becomes verbally or consciously explainable or anything like that. There is certainly plenty of mystery in a good piece of art. Rather I mean that the subconscious brain picks up on a slew of patterns and correlations. But that often still leaves plenty of mystery still, given that patterns can be incomplete, or hard to place into a bigger pattern or conscious meaning-making. I should write something on this
yes - i appreciate that nuance
[and after posting my response (my last digital act of the day so kind of word salad-y) i actually went back in to edit but couldn’t]
what i was going to say was its a kind of synesthetic experience - beauty - that also for me at this point is mostly somatic. i have started to impute a kind of authoring intelligence behind the things that really capture and soothe me at the level of the aesthetic - soothe being the operative word here because after a life filled with opportunities to experience art, sexuality, physical mastery (by my self and others) at this stage the word - again, beauty - to be meaningful, calls to what Emerson deemed big N nature - Nature - which could have a corollary in Beauty.
It’s a good music clip - nice
Happy it fell to taste!
Are you still in Cambridge? There’s been some electronic in the Middle East basement recently that may interest you
Interesting! Unfortunately I recently moved, but I visit relatively regularly. I’m gonna look into it. Thanks for the heads up
It sounds to me that your Epiphany was holy ghost inspired and timed so to prevent the trap of enslavement I fell into and suffered most of my adult working life, the trap of Religion of Scientism that block most of the real Holy communication, memories of Holy interactions, and Holy warnings with the False god of Rationality and soul crippling Pride.
And I was deeply vulnerable to such an enslavement having loved and studies science in any form I could from 5th grade, and wallowed in computer programming from 7th grade, with my gift of intelligence as a kind of toy I played with while life destroying active lies and lies of silence festered within that I was betrayed with, success-failure endless confusion-frustration-defenseless_blindness that caused what I should have otherwise recognized as myself being targeted by male-hating 3rd wave feminist inspired abuser regardless of never seeing or believing in the deep evil separate from mother devouring, in all the years free for the horrors of her and the blindness that such Hate and warped exposure from crip caused, all the year fee from that and my history of social-educational-employment success with a shameful number of relatively long term sexual relationships, all in two separate States before moving to Witch-filled Vermont near Burlington, around UVM and the center of this realities Evil, ..
.. I was crippled from the betrayal more devouring family-demon controlled mother and so many silently lying women that must have realized my life-crippling falseness I suffered under and would & must destroy an otherwise inspiring Service directed life of a gifted men if left uncorrected - so may that were obligated by professional duty if not basic human virtue that we owe to each other, that was only attempted by 3 women to my memory, and those 3 women in that virtuous standard manhood reaction to Serve and protect all in need as and when possible and prudent, those 3 women in a lifetime long interaction of countless women, only 3! from what was nearly womanhood virtuous Blessing I experience and recall from youth; that remembered womanhood that blessed us all that were close to of passing near enough to interact with, from that to the now Sicken womanhood of many perhaps mostly filled with lying grasping baby-murdering poison-vomit spraying insane vicious vile delusional psychos that we all suffer from, and been targeted by of being and expressing once valued by a sane earlier womanhood but calls to them the demonic Satanic hatred that all expression of basic manhood is, the true, justice, order protecting and seeking, the internal Love of all and duty to Service of others and society through protection and providing.
Those 3, only 3! that blocked me from Justly damning all modern women as repentless machines directed from Hell that only a short time soon will start to shed their human disguises, those shells of humanity they once were, before acceptance of the demons that enslaved them and possessed them, those dead skins that is all that remains of their once human Beatified God Loving beginnings, those will shed their true demonic form that is so clearly now shown in their deeper 'Beings' intentional Satanic insane actions and goals, they that will soon walk the earth openly and the rest of us will accept that that Openly exposed Hell as we accepted greater and deeper insanities - the clear turning point being acceptance and tolerance of baby-killing mothers.
But aside from that .. and lifelong self-loathing and confusion driven suffering, of intelligent coordinated Which-Whisper-web surrounded abuse that turned a dream job I had shaped myself to excel in from joy to Hell by those Love-Trust-Joy murdering women and the rare lost-soul dog-males that drove me towards suicide or dead ending violence as is so common and acceptable here in this GreatSatan soul dead and murdering nation, the school and workplace shooting that is likely Just and would result in a better world for all if understood by most and if the shooter killed only those it Just to kill in defense (not vengeance) of others, and if it were possible to him to kill all those involved and supporting such Satanic Hell-directed evil.
In joyous sharing of your Inspired epiphany and the expanded soul that resulted, your writing has the sensitivity that is the strengths of both sexes which complement so well together when united by Love and Justice to God in each's well-ordered duties, so that it is not clear from the 3 articles of read of your sex. Your Engineering background suggest man and this artistic dimension suggest woman, so I suppose you seem to be a balanced well-ordered ying-yang or as I imagine Adam was before much of his female element was separated to create Eve and to instill in him a deep desire toward Oneness that he once was, and that echos of must have been known to Eve, and the God Willed path we must all suffer to expended greater God pleasantness and Perfection he directs us towards to Love us by expending our ability to See and Love Him.
Let us leave it there for now.
God Bless., Steve